The Wasp
TheatreComposer, Sound Designer
Writer: Morgan Lloyd Malcolm
Director: Sam Snedden
Producer: Alice Kirker
Cast: Bree Peters, Miriama McDowell
Performance Designer: Meg Rollandi
Production Design Assistants: Kate Carrington & Sophie Forsyth
Light Designer: Jane Hakaraia
Stage Manager: Sofia Miernik
Technical Operators: Tim Janson, Izzy Lao, Deb McGuire
Photographer: Andi Crown
Violin: Anita Clark
Double bass: Scott Maynard
September 2022; Matchbox; Q Theatre, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland
October 2022: Circa Theatre, Pōneke/Wellington
“The technical element that is truly outstanding is the music, composed by Emi Pogoni. As the lights dim to start the play, so too does the house music slow down and distort into something unsettling and almost demonic. This occurs again after the intermission – this use brings us effectively into (and back into) this disquieting show. The sounds of wasps buzzing which is scattered around the theatre are also used at pivotal points, as well as violin (Anita Clark) and double bass (Scott Maynard) at the perfect moments to build the tension within the scene, in a way that makes your hair stand on end.”
-- Emilie Hope, Stuff
“superb sound”
-- Glenda Pearce, Broadway World
“At one point a buzzing sound brushed past my ear and I froze, shoulders tensed, before realising there wasn’t a wasp taunting the audience – only a cleverly placed sound effect, humming just below the conversation on stage. I fought the urge to reach out and swat the imaginary insect for the entirety of the opening scene. This transformed the performance into a visceral experience, digging deep beneath the skin to envelop the viewers into this strange and treacherous plan... the sound still served as a character of its own, translating the strained on-stage atmosphere into another gripping sensory component.”
-- Olivia Wright, Rat World